How Green is Your Vote?
One of our readers pointed out a lack of political discourse on environmental issues. Earthlab has compiled a breakdown of what the candidates wish to accomplish with regard to the environment. Alex, thanks for bringing this up and for the link from earthlab! 2008 Presidential Candidates – Environment Top Democrat…
Eco Moms: Inspirational Green Links
As a new mother, I am always researching various topics regarding child rearing and environmentally friendly practices. Here are a few sites that I frequent or find inspirational. Healthy Child, Healthy World Formally the CHEC (Children’s Health Environmental Coalition,) Healthy Child, Healthy World is an organization recommended here before, and…
Did You See the Snowman Last Night at the Debates?
I thought the Dems debates last night were the best I’ve ever seen (I watched them streaming on since I don’t have cable). That the questions came from real people via YouTube was THE BEST IDEA EVER! (and the videos submitted by us crazy citizens were funny, sad, poignant,…
Liveblogging from Live Earth!
—Giants Stadium, 2:45 PM EST I’m here at Live Earth in New York, which is the last show in the worldwide music celebration so we can Save Our Selves (SOS). KT Tunstall KT Tunstall is up first, after a lackluster intro by Mr. Six-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon. Are you watching? If not, you…
Is it humor?
No, no. I’m not going to start questioning Starre’s seriousness about global warming – I think the picture is very cute. However, this video by Sarah Silverman is supposed to be humor about global warming. Maybe it’s because I don’t like Sarah Silverman, but I just don’t find the whole…
Michael Franti's Presidents' Day Contest
For any Michael Franti fans, I just saw that he’s hosting a contest that challenges people to write a letter to the President. The carrot is a pair of tickets to an upcoming show and the opportunity to read your letter on stage before Spearhead’s set. I just finished a…
Prop 87: Good Idea for an Ecofashion Sports Tee
With November just around the corner and global warming a heated debate, it’s a perfect idea for Californians and other greenies alike to start promoting Prop 87. Bono didn’t say you can wear “politics on your sleeve” for nuthin. About Prop 87: Establishes $4 billion program to reduce oil and…
Ani DiFranco
Ani DiFranco (one of my favorite artists ever), recently explained why feminism is tied to environmentalism. Reprieve is her new album. Among the more important themes on “Reprieve” is the persistence of patriarchy in world politics. “It’s the elephant in the room,” she said. “As I get older, I really…
Volunteering, A Great Start to Activism
” Lately I’ve been thinking of ways in which I can help on a more local scale and get involved in the community. Yesterday, I found this great website, “Volunteer Match” that pairs people with an organization based on your location, skill set and availability. This amazing site currently has…
A Story No Less Important
All this talk about global warming and the current backlash from “anti-environmentalists” reminds me of something I experienced only months ago. Photo of Dr. Jim Hanson courtesy of the New York Times I attended conference at the New School in January 2006 entitled “Politics & Science” and the place was…