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    Adorable, Musical and Hearts the Earth

    The Curious George soundtrack was recently released, and Jack Johnson sings all of the songs on the movie’s soundtrack. I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I noticed this awesome song while I was checking it out. It’s called the 3R’s. Three thats the magic number yes it is, its a…

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    Ms. Green Jeans

    Check out this interview (from Grist) of Tierra del Forte, the designer behind Del Forte Denim. The questions after the jump are a little more ‘fun’ than the first few shown here, so read on! 24 Jul 2006  What work do you do?  I’m a designer and the founder of Del Forte…

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    From Junk to Funk!

      Continuing on the theme of fun repurposed stuff is Againnyc, a NYC-based (duh!) online store that sells sweet handbags, yoga bags, and even a funky laptop bag, all made of vintage fabrics and hardware. They even donate a portion of their profits to environmental groups. It’s so great that…

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    FiftyRX3: My New Favorite Blog

    The title for this post is no exaggeration. I am a little obsessed with visiting Jill Danyelle’s awesome green fashion blog, FiftyRX3. Jill is not only into finding gorgeous sustainable fashions in and around NYC, (see TreehuggerTV’s great vlog showing some of Jill’s favorite haunts) but she is also on…

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    Thoughtful Things

    ona is a Lithuanian-based home decor and online art store. Need I say their stuff is gorgeous? I don’t know about you, but I have ended up buying gifts for many a wedding/baby shower/house warming of late. And not everyone appreciates a donation to Greenpeace in lieu of a gift!  While not…

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    Holy Motherboard

    Working in a field that requires I use only state-of-the-art computers, I often wonder what happens to the technological waste left behind when my computer becomes obsolete every 4 years. It comforts me to know that companies like Motherboard Gifts and More are discovering inventive ways to reuse some of…

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    …next to goddessness

    I’m not going to go into why using chemical- and toxin-laden products to clean your home is an oxymoron, but if you need some background you can find it here. These days even the EPA is pushing alternatives to conventional cleaning products. Anything that has the number of poison control on…

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    Move Over McMansion

      Here’s a home that is built with no non-recyclable residue or plastics, utilizes solar energy (not only to heat the water but to produce energy as well) and looks incredibly fabulous. Sound like a fantasy of the eco-chick’s distant future? Not so – it exists today thanks to Germany’s…

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    To Buy or Not to Buy?

    Two years ago I had the pleasure of attending the American Institute of Graphic Artists’ (AIGA) 2004 Gain Conference in New York. Although the bulk of the conference included motivational speech about a designer’s social and environmental responsiblity, one speaker—Christopher Hacker, the then creative & marketing director of Aveda jumped…

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    As Green As Green Can Be?

      There has been debate here lately about whether we, as “Greenies” should buy anything at all. This is a long-standing issue in the environmental community: Should we shun all consumer products and grow our own food, make our own clothes and educate our own kids (the time that takes tends…