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    Read all about it, Good Magazine is out

    Good Magazine’s premier issue is out. LOVED the political senate highlights + being from Pennsylvania – loved the overview of Rick Santorum. (Yah, #%*$ you, Santorum)…hope you like your website. Maybe Angelina Jolie’s and Brad Pitt’s “no marriage for us before everyone can equally be married policy” willl knock some…

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    Burning Man/Cooling Man?

      I have made art projects that have ended up at Burning Man, my friends have all (seemingly) gone to Burning Man, and I was supposed to go to the art and music desert festival this year, but life (in the form of being accepted to grad school unexpectedly) intervened.…

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    It's a Brave New Backcountry

    Edward Abbey I sometimes wonder what Edward Abbey would say if he could see Appalachian Trail thru-hikers resting cozily in their sleeping bags at night with the stars and moon above, tapping away on their tiny PocketMail devices so that they can post their daily blogs. So far from the…

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    Mountain Clubs or Country Clubs?

    Unlike bigger mountains out west, the craggy granite outcroppings of New Hampshire’s White Mountains and Vermont’s Green Mountains are within a day’s drive of about 75 million people. Each summer, mountain clubs and other non-profits get to work educating hikers about Leave No Trace and the responsibility of land stewardship.…

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    Vanity Fair's Green Issue Party

      Vanity Fair’s party for their green issue was so much fun that I was still recovering from it 24 hours later. (It was the green martinis the amazing bartenders whipped up, and the red ones…and the wine….and not enough of the delicious raw and vegan food from Pure Food…