Eco Chick Giveaway: Win a Set of RubyBlaise Essentials Aromatherapy Mists
UPDATE: Thanks for participating, everyone! The winner is – Nicole Galland! Scent can be so powerful, changing our moods and awakening memories – but sometimes it can be dangerous too, namely when it’s coming from a toxic blend of chemicals vaguely labeled as “fragrance”. Essential oils make it easy to…
NKD Naked Candles: Zero Bad Stuff
There are so many holiday candles and air fresheners out there, but many are created from synthetic fragrances that contain harmful chemicals. In this day and age when people are “Febreezing” their environments, it is important to use natural toxin-free products. I was introduced to the nkd: Naked Candles at…
Tsi~La Organics
Tsi~la Organics is a line of body products and fragrances that use no preservatives, alcohol, additives, coloring, or other nasty synthetic chemicals that many other perfumes contain. Pronounced “chee-la,” the name is Cherokee for ‘flower.’ The Tsi~La fragrances seek to combine exotic notes of ylang ylang, citrus, bergamot, lavender, vanilla,…
Hilarious Greenpeace Commercial
I’m loving this ad….for anyone needing motivation to change their conventional bulbs to compact fluorescents (or better yet, LEDs). Via: Snarfd
Lululemon & oqoqo in Chicago
One thing that’s driven me crazy since moving to Germany is the total lack of decent clothing for working out … and by decent, I mean that it had to fulfill at least one of my sustainability criteria: be made of organic or sustainable fabric, be recycled or secondhand, or…
Just a thought
Recently I found myself engaged in several discussions about taking care of our environment as a matter of personal integrity, choice, and responsibility. One such conversation happened with a stranger in a training course I was attending. The man works for the EPA. He looked to be in his early…
Chicks with Picks
Photo Chris Gills Chicks with Picks, which offers ice climbing clinics for women (led by women) just announced a scholarship fund in memory of Karen McNeill, a guide who disappeared near the south summit of Alaska’s Mount Foraker last May. According to Chicks, “Of special significance are [Karen’s] myriad of…
UnCommon Scents
There is nothing more odious (pardon the impending pun) than that heavy, pungent perfume you can smell from a mile away. And many of us have spent time perusing the shelves of that ubiquitous modern shrine to plasticity called Sephora only to leave with a pounding headache that has that…