Barefoot Walking and Running: Best of Both Worlds with Vivo Barefoot Sneakers
My Viva Terras. Cute on the trail or off. Last summer, I was walking up from the beach at Gay’s Head on Martha’s Vineyard. (They’ve renamed the place Aquinnah, but I’m sticking with the original name, thank you very much) and then headed up the steep dunes, and over the…
Super Green Sneaks of Summer
According to ecofashion designers and retailers, shoes probably have the largest environmental footprint of any of our apparel choices (pun intended!). Even after years of reporting in this area, I was a bit surprised by this fact since shoes generally last for some time, especially if you buy good quality…
Project Earth Day Fashion Show, 2009: Designer's Runway
Starre Vartan at Project Earth Day Fashion Show 2009 is the third anniversary of the Project Earth Day Fashion Show; I’ve been lucky enough to attend all three and it’s one of those events I really look forward to every year. It’s really a showcase of the most innovative talent…
Launch of the InhabitatShop!
The new InhabitatShop has some lovely stuff for sale- all handpicked by Inhabitat’s editors for both great design and ecofriendliness. I’m loving the felt “ring” above, which comes in four different colors. There’s lots of other stuff there too- like the shoes and planter below and more. Check it out!…
Payless Goes (Seriously) Green; Inexpensive Eco Shoes for All!
Summer showing off a cute pair of flats (close-up below) I have to admit I was (pleasantly) surprised when I got an invite a couple weeks ago to check out Payless Shoes’ new green line, but when it comes to mainstream brands greenifying, I put my skeptics hat on. But…
Eco Chic Weekly – October 20, 2008
Green Girls Global shows off the gorgeous jewelry made from antique and reclaimed glass by artist Laura Bergman. Eco Chick dishes about four of the season’s sexiest sustainable shoes! Victoria Everman reviews the effective, affordable, and artistic oral care line from Radius. Safia Minney shares her eco style tips with…
The Autumn's Four Sexiest, Most Sustainable Shoes
The good news is that I really don’t need much in the way of new shoes this Autumn. But I have been feeling decidedly dowdy of late and I realized I don’t really wear very sexy shoes (cool shoes, interesting shoes, comfortable shoes, arty shoes, fabulous shoes, yes, I have…
Pedoodles Eco Kicks for Kids
Pedoodles, a small kids shoe line, has released eco-friendly kicks made from remnant leather. These shoes are really light-weight and they must be comfy, because my little ones keep going to them and bringing them to me saying “shhooose!” and requesting I put them on their feet. They come in…
Deplasticize Your Life!
This movie from the 1950’s shows Disney’s “House of the Future” which is totally kitted out in plastic EVERYthing. Ironic that here I am from 2008 writing about how to get plastic out of my life! I haven’t picked up a plastic bag in weeks now*, and I’m looking for…
Natalie Portman's Shoe Line Is Vegan, but Not So Green?