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    Bush Misses the Boat

    By Guest-Blogger Brian Howard In his 2007 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush told Congress and the country that “nothing is more important at this moment in our history than for America to succeed in the Middle East, to succeed in Iraq and to spare the American…

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    New Year’s GreenSolutions

    Right after Christmas I always start thinking about how I need a serious cleanse from all the holiday eating and drinking, not to mention all the junk clogging up my brain from seeing people I haven’t seen in so long, travelling all over the East Coast and generally ignoring healthy…

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    Nukes 'R'nt Us

    Model and Environmentalist Betcee May, and tireless Environmental Activist Remy Chevalier want to pull the plug on Indian Point, followed by Vermont Yankee and Millstone. If you’ve been following Eco Chick for awhile, you will know that we are anti-nuclear power, even though there are some environmentalists who think that…

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    Move Over McMansion

      Here’s a home that is built with no non-recyclable residue or plastics, utilizes solar energy (not only to heat the water but to produce energy as well) and looks incredibly fabulous. Sound like a fantasy of the eco-chick’s distant future? Not so – it exists today thanks to Germany’s…

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    As Green As Green Can Be?

      There has been debate here lately about whether we, as “Greenies” should buy anything at all. This is a long-standing issue in the environmental community: Should we shun all consumer products and grow our own food, make our own clothes and educate our own kids (the time that takes tends…