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    Global Warming Showing Up at MOMA

    The Pejovschi exhibit is on the huge wall behind the dramatic sculpture in the foreground. I went to check out the Richard Serra sculpture exhibit at MOMA the other day, and what to my wondering eyes should appear? An amazing exhibit of line illustrations on a giant wall on the…

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    The Car-free Life in Paris

    A few weeks ago, I wrote about the trend toward building entire subdivisions as car-free communities here in Germany; though these neighborhoods eschew cars and roads for bikes and courtyards, they also offer a bit of storage space to house the bikes (either as covered garages or, in the single-family…

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    Navy Showers

    As I think I’ve mentioned before, one of my biggest enviro-sins is bathing. That is, I love long showers, swimming-pool like baths, hot tubs, pools, the ocean, lakes, puddles and running through sprinklers (I think it comes from my Australian roots of being a die-hard swimmer). Point: I love water.…

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    Melissa Etheridge's Call to Action

    For all y’all who didn’t watch Live Earth, you missed this inspiring speech by Ms. Etheridge made right in the middle of one of her songs. She is definitely an artist who knows how to work a crowd and her passion show right through the crappy YouTube recording. A Must-Watch…

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    Don't Believe the Hype

    First, full disclosure: Unlike Starre, I didn’t watch LiveEarth. Not on TV or in person or on the Internet. It was held, admittedly, for a good cause. But I’m not a huge fan of pop and celebrity, so something about the whole spectacle turned me off. And that’s tough to…

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    Live Earth!

    Madonna’s vid for her Live Earth CD single, “Hey You”. Madge will be performing at Live Earth London Live Earth is coming up this Saturday, and there are still tickets available to all the shows except the one in London. I’ll be heading to the concert at Giants Stadium on…

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    Car-free living

    Car-free living is unbelievably easy here in Germany; the country has one of the most extensive train networks in the world. Every major city has a subway or tram line to get you in and out of the city quickly. And bike paths are laid through cities and farm fields,…

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    Reyka Vodka!

    I will admit that I’m a tried-and-true Russian vodka fan, though I’ve not been able to find one In that’s organic, and it kinda sucks that it comes all the way from Russia, of course. Every time a make a drink I can’t help but think of how far my…

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    World Views on Climate Change

    In response to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that occurred in March, the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, a newspaper out of Zurich, Switzerland, asked several writers to contribute articles about their experiences with climate change. Now, Signandsight.com has posted English translations of essays by Swiss author Leo Tuor, who writes…

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    Sevilla Solar Tower

    For months, my husband has been raving about a solar tower in Sevilla, Spain, and finally, I’ve seen pictures! Catching the Rays (c) BBC The BBC took a tour of the power plant, one of the first of its kind, and it was exciting to see the theory in action.…