Bamboo: Ecofriendly or Not So Much?
I’ve heard bamboo flooring is more eco-friendly than traditional pine or oak. Is this true? —Cara Truhlar, Montpelier, VT At first glance, bamboo is as green as it gets. It grows like a weed (technically, it’s a grass) and can reach harvestable height in three to five years. This crop—also…
Check Out Starre on the Huffington Post!
Look above! Our star, Starre Vartan, is spreading the good eco-word far and wide. Check her out on the Huffington Post’s new Living Now section . . . she’s currently on the front page! (or you can read her post above). The Huffington Post (often referred to as HuffPo) is…
Tahoe and Yukon Hybrids: Sensible or Stupid?
I was embarrassed. There’s no other way to describe how a green, treehugging, environmental blogger such as myself felt clambering into a Chevy Tahoe outside a restaurant on the West Side of Manhattan recently. This ‘full-size’ (read that as gigantically huge) SUV was a hybrid, true, but its slightly lower…
Love Lost and Hope Found at "Design for the Other 90%"
Text by Guest-Blogger Josh Wiese Images by Starre Vartan and Josh Wiese Have you ever just known that the person who’s call you’re eagerly awaiting is the one for you? I mean THE ONE. It’s this strange penetrating feeling you just can’t shake. You want to. It doesn’t make sense,…
Project Earth Day Fashion Show in NYC
By Olivia Zaleski and Starre Vartan The above video, filmed by Brian Clark Howard, with Olivia Zaleski as host and Starre Vartan as producer, was recorded the night before the fashion show. Check it out to hear from some of the designers who showed their stuff, as well as learn…
Vanity Fair's Green Issue Party
Vanity Fair’s party for their green issue was so much fun that I was still recovering from it 24 hours later. (It was the green martinis the amazing bartenders whipped up, and the red ones…and the wine….and not enough of the delicious raw and vegan food from Pure Food…