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    What NOT to do on Earth Day

    Earth Day is tomorrow. I could give you a song and dance about what you should do (install CFLS, bring own bag to grocery store, move to a wind-powered Ashram), but I’ll spare the harangue. Instead, here’s a list of what not to do on Earth Day. Sure, you won’t…

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    SIGG for the Fashionably Parched

    Need another reason to ditch the disposable plastic water bottle? How about fourteen reasons? SIGG (you know the hardwearing yet elegant water bottle Co.), Elle Magazine and Laurie David’s Stop Global Warming have joined forces to up the anti-plastic rationale. The iconic dream team has commissioned fourteen leading names in…

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    Andrew Revkin and the NY Times

    With all the recent global warming coverage in the mainstream media, I find it reassuring that some journalists, though certainly not enough, are writing about the implications for people who live in poverty. Environmentalism—whether we’re talking about climate change, organic food, or access to green space— is a class issue.…

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    Ask Laurie David!

    Laurie David is promoting her new book which comes out this month, called Stop Global Warming: The Solution is You– An Activist’s Guide. I’m setting up an interview with her and I would love to ask her questions from Eco Chick readers. What question do you have for the doyenne…

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    Laurie David, I Presume?

    Laurie David is everywhere these days. And that’s not hyperbole. She’s omnipresent in the green world, from a huge profile in Vogue’s March “Power” issue, to Women’s Wear Daily, to another profile in Elle (which I’m guessing led to her guest-editing the upcoming May “Green” Elle, printed on 10% recyled stock). Who is…