Find Out What Happens to Our Trash
Discarded plastic items await recycling (Photo: Shutterstock) There is no magic place called “away” where our garbage goes. We learned this early on in grade school. My boyfriend’s 7-year-old cousin, Charlie, is an ardent recycler at his home and perhaps the finest example of what we all should be doing when it…
London-Based What a Load of Rubbish Solves Recycling and Garbage Woes
We’re acutely aware that there is no magic place called “away” where our garbage goes. But when it comes to recycling and actually doing something about it, the old saying ‘out of sight, out of mind’ goes for many. In the U.S. alone, over 7 billion pounds of PVC is…
Brainforest: How Does Community Sustain Us?
Brainforest is a Chicago-based creative agency that has integrated an ethos of social service (people) and sustainability (planet) into the workplace (profit). The Triple Bottom Line seems to come effortlessly to a company that volunteers at the Greater Chicago Food Depository, dedicates pro bono service per annum to a specially selected…
Starre Vartan to Speak at "Plugging Into Green" Panel in Brooklyn
P.S. 107 Kicks off its 5th Annual “Readings on the 4th Floor” Series by Plugging into the Green Movement Leading writers from the frontlines of “green” discuss life and community-changing strategies. Why in a city with the cleanest water in the country do the mass of New Yorkers cling to…
The Art of Dumpster Diving
For many, the thought of going near a smelly dumpster, let alone touching, wearing or using the contents from inside of a dumpster is dirty, if not completely revolting. I say it’s wonderful! Ok, ok, rewind. Though I have never riffled through the trash myself, I must admit to having…
Global War by Dawn Maxey
I was introduced to Dawn Maxey’s spoken word poetry at the recent AIGA Compost Modern event. Here’s some excerpts from her very spirited poem, “Global War” about eco-hype: But then/ just the other day, I began to notice people at Whole Foods with entire shopping carts full of ‘organic’ and…
Macbook Air: Green Equals Sexy!
Steve Jobs just finished giving they keynote speech at the MacWorld 2008 conference, where he unveiled the super-sexy new Macbook Air (check Gizmodo for more techie coverage). So, besides the fact that this computer looks totally gorgeous, it is also a serious GREEN MACHINE. The ecofriendly stats, from Jobs’ speech:…
Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts
It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…
Haygarth's Recycled Art
A couple days back I was checking out EcoStreet, where Tracy Stokes had written up a great post about Stuart Haygarth’s amazing recycled plastic bottle chandelier. Haygarth took the bottles from the Stanstead (UK) airport where they were among those confiscated by people who forgot to get rid of them…
Fab Green Thanksgiving Weekend Sales
OK, so I totally forgot and just bought used books despite the fact that I was trying to partake in Buy Nothing Day. If you’re also doing a little shopping this weekend (trying to get a head-start on holiday gifts, of course!), then check out one of these eco-friendly boutiques:…