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    Is it humor?

    No, no. I’m not going to start questioning Starre’s seriousness about global warming – I think the picture is very cute. However, this video by Sarah Silverman is supposed to be humor about global warming. Maybe it’s because I don’t like Sarah Silverman, but I just don’t find the whole…

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    100-Mile Challenge

      What cute Turkeys! I like to see them scuffling through the leaves in the woods, not on a plate! Treehugger encouraged folks to get their whole Thanksgiving meal within 100 miles of their homes in the aptly named 100-mile Challenge, and though I’m not entering their contest, I am…

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    LES Now Renamed Lower Eco Side

    I have been foraying around the LES (lower east side) of Manhattan of late, and have I found a bevy of eco fabulousness! First up, Kaight, which I thought I found first, but Treehugger’s Celine was there just a couple days before me. And then I saw that Jill over…

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    Eco Infographics

    As much as I love the written (or typed) word, I love infographics more, mostly because in our visual/ADD/graphic overload world, I think they have more impact. Some examples: Breathing Earth. You have to see it to believe it….watch in stunning graphic detail who’s emitting all the CO2, where people are being born,…

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    Martha Stewart's a Treehugger!

       Martha Stewart used to live less than a mile from me in Westport, CT, where she first got her start as a caterer. I’ve followed her for years, and I have to admit I’m a fan. Whenever she does anything green, I get all excited, because I know lots…