Crude, the Film, Shows Real Price of America's Oil Addiction (Hint: It's Not Just the Environment)
Crude is the story of a community of 30,000 tribal members in the Amazonian jungle of Ecuador who hold a corporation to bear for its crimes against their land, their livelihood, and most importantly, their lives. The film follows the intricacies of what has been called the “Amazon Chernobyl.” The…
Madonna is Vanity Fair's Eco Chick!
I’ve been a Madonna fan since I was 8 years old. Hers was the first tape I ever popped into my Sony walkman, and just last night I attended a fashion show where they were pumping one of her newer tunes. As big of a Madonna fan as I am,…
Eco Luxury Gift Ideas (and Bikes!) in Vogue
I was thrilled to see some seriously fun totally over-the-top delicious green stuff featured in Vogue’s December issue (it’s the one with the impossibly gorgeous Penelope Cruz, above, on the cover). First up, there’s “Season’s Greenings” by William Norwich, who talks to three fabulous greenies. Sheherazade Goldsmith, author of A…
Eco Chick Summer Rayne Oakes in Vanity Fair
If you haven’t checked out the second annual green issue of Vanity Fair, you should! Not just because Leo is on the cover, or because there’s some kick-ass coverage inside, but because Eco Chick Summer Rayne Oakes is featured in a two-page spread. Congrats Summer, you look great tailgating in…
More Green Issues Than You Can Shake a Stick At
After the double-header of the green Elle and Vanity Fair issues, a plethora of mags have shown some planet-consciousness. I’ve been collecting these for the past 2 months or so; all sorts of mags covering green topics from various angles. Here they are, in no particular order: Innovative Home, Fall…
Vanity Fair's Green Issue Party
Vanity Fair’s party for their green issue was so much fun that I was still recovering from it 24 hours later. (It was the green martinis the amazing bartenders whipped up, and the red ones…and the wine….and not enough of the delicious raw and vegan food from Pure Food…
Vanity Fair takes "Green Issue" Literally
Saw a woman today on the subway enthusiastically reading the “Green Issue” of Vanity Fair today. It hit newstands on April 5th, but couldn’t find one anywhere. I think all this green -speak going across this great big blogosphere got all of the socially-conscious readers to swipe it off the…