Vegan Supplements: The Two Vitamins You Need
The long and short of it is, there is nothing wrong with supplementing on any diet plan.
Ani Phyo's Healthfully Decadent Raw Coconut Kream Recipe
Dessert has always been my favorite part of any meal (though I do love apps!) and while I’ve managed to tame my sweet tooth in the last few years, I’ve by no means eliminated it. (By tame I mean I can get my sweet-happys from maple syrup, honey, and desserts…
Sunlight for Breastfed Babes
An interesting piece in the NY Times today discusses Vitamin D deficiency in babies and toddlers. According to the article, many breastfed children are lacking the nutrient due to many mothers’ insufficient quantity of Vit D in their breastmilk. Additionally, children are not exposed to the sun as they once…
Loving, Naturally
A few great natural products i’ve recently fallen in love with for my uber sensitive skin: Sunshine Spa’s Brown Sugar Scrub Mango Ginger: this organic brown sugar scrub is amazing! I have super sensitive skin and this scrub leaves my skin smooth and happy after shaving. Contains lots of great…
Pressure Cookers— an Energy Efficient Way to Cook
Growing up, the word “pressure cooker” brought memories of my grandfather cooking beets in his kitchen at Thanksgiving. Years later, I use a pressure cooker in my own kitchen. What many people don’t know about pressure cookers is that they’re a super energy efficient way to cook. Root vegetables which…