It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like…Consumerismtime!
Unlike my craftier sisters, I don’t start making gifts in October. I also refuse to make exhaustive lists of people and gift ideas and plan shopping excursions to find just the right piece of junk to wrap in expensive paper that will exist, perfectly preserved in a landfill until the…
Bear Fights Man for Salmon
I first saw this video in Environmental Conservation class at college. The topic: Why Are We Always at War with Wildlife? Funny as hell.
Guestblogger: GardenRant
I’ve been enjoying the well-written and funny-as-hell GardenRant blog of late, and Susan Harris, who runs the site jointly with two other women, is guest-posting about why she wanted to start a blog that focuses on ecologically intelligent gardening. Check it out! Why Gardening MattersĀ by Susan Harris of GardenRant…
Wildlife Works
I’m so beyond broke, but the next time I have some cash burning a hole in my pocket, I know where I’m going to go shopping: Wildlife Works. Not only is their stuff ridiculously adorable and totally my style, but everything is made from environmentally-friendly materials (mostly organic cotton). AND…
Good News Bears
OK, so this post has nothing to do with bears, but it does have to do with good news. Green Revolution is Heralded for Scotland – “ALL new property developments in Scotland will need to produce some of their own electricity through a micro-renewable generating plant, under one of Britain’s…
Head of the Interior heads for the Exterior: Gale Norton Resigns
Last week U.S. Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton resigned amidst rumblings of scandal regarding purported connections between her department and disgraced former lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Many environmentalists applauded her departure due to her appalling record for supporting corporate interests and being unable to bridge the ever-expanding gap between big business…