Lindsay's Going to Costa Rica: Advice and Recommendations Needed!
After a long day last week, and a green event to cap off the night, I checked my mail right before I entered the subway and one particular email caught me off guard. It seemed way too good to be true. So I re-read it, and even walked back up to Columbus Circle to get better reception (to read it again). Here’s an excerpt:
Because of the large readership of the Brown Loves Green blog, your influence through, and your involvement in other eco-friendly blogs across the web, Costa Rica’s Tourism Board would like to give you a free trip to Costa Rica.
Costa Rica is sending out a select number of these Gifts of Happiness in the form of customized trips, and because your values align with Costa Rica’s belief in Pura Vida, you’ve been hand-selected to receive a trip for two.
Say what? I had that whole “if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is” internal dialogue going on.
But as it turns out, I was not delirious from exhaustion. Nor had I sniffed too many naturally scented eco-friendly products at the event that eve. And it wasn’t too good to be true.
Costa Rica’s tourism board really has so graciously given me a gift of complete and utter happiness: an all-expense-paid trip for two for eight days to their beautifully green country! But that’s not all …
Read the rest of this article over at our sister site, Eco Chick Escapes…..