Aussies Create Dress Made Of Microbes From Wine
Microbe Dress. Image by Ray Scott.
We all want more sustainable clothing, but how about a dress made from billions of microscopic creatures? Using Acetobacter bacteria – the kind that ferments vinegar into wine – a group of scientists from the University of Western Australia have created a dress that is literally grown instead of sewn.
Back of dress. Image by Bewley Shaylor.
Called Micro’be’, the ‘fermented fashion’ project is described by the team as such:
Micro’be’ fermented fashion investigates the practical and cultural biosynthesis of clothing – to explore the possible forms and cultural implications of futuristic dress-making and textile technologies.
Instead of lifeless weaving machines producing the textile, living microbes will ferment a garment.
A fermented garment will not only rupture the meaning of traditional interactions with body and clothing; but also raise questions around the contentious nature of the living materials themselves.
This project redefines the production of woven materials.
By combining art and science knowledge and with a little inventiveness, the ultimate goal will be to produce a bacterial fermented seamless garment that forms without a single stitch.”
Front detail. Image by Bewley Taylor.
Seriously, this is one of the coolest things I have ever seen. And since it’s just made from microbes, it is naturally biodegradable. Would you wear a dress made from microbes?