Tired of Drinking Water?
Especially in the winter, I don’t really enjoy drinking good old H2O, except after a workout. I don’t want to ingest anything too sweet, or milky either, so I drink ridiculous amounts of herbal tea (sadly, I cannot handle caffeine). Now I’ve found a few new additions to my repertoire of on-the-go healthy drinks that are way better than Snapple or softdrinks (though a good root beer once in a while is a fave).
Bossa Nova and CellNique (both empty!)
Bossa Nova makes pure Acai (pronounced ah-sci-ee) juice, sweetened with organic agave. The bottle has about 120 calories, but I only drink half at a time as the juice is quite flavorful (I like mine with lots of ice or mixed with selzer). The acai fruit, which is produced by palm trees in Central and South America, has tons of antioxidants- more than pomegranate, and five times more than blueberries. (We love antioxidants because they attack free radicals in our bodies that cause aging, heart disease, and some cancers). The Acai fruits are wild-harvested (no monoculture farming here!) and Bossa Nova works with the Rainforest Alliance, so every bottle of Acai juice saves one rainforest tree through their Save a Tree program. Yum.
Cell-nique, the Super Green Drink, isn’t kidding (and what a trippy website!). The drink is made of 70% organic ingredients, is only 84 calories for a tall 14 oz. bottle, and contains an amazing amount of greens and herbs- like organic spirulina, chorella, hemp protein, barley grass juice, oat sprouts, spinach, olive leaf, Pau d’Arco bark, grape seed extract, and green tea extract (that’s about 1/3 of what’s in it!). Shockingly, it’s delicious, lightly sweet, refreshing and definitely gives you an energy boost about 10-15 minutes after drinking. Super and Green for sure.