
Bound & Gagged: Global Warming Silence

Jim Hansen, the leading climate scientist in the world, reported on 60 Minutes on 19 March 2006 regarding the cover-up of the science behind global warming under the Bush administration (also reported on the 29 January 2006 in the NY Times). We all knew this, of course, but what truly hit home was the statement that within 10 years time, global warming and its catastrophic effects will be irreversible. Those women who were thinking of having children…well, let’s just say…you might want to think again. Of course, we can all stick our fingers up our assess like the monkey running the joint, or we can join the growing mass of people and states that are pushing clean and renewable energies.

A great blog run by student-focused and student-led energy groups gives the low-down on what’s happening. Contact one of them, they’ll definitely get you up and working in no time: http://www.itsgettinghotinhere.org/

Best Global Warming T-shirt phrase that epitomizes the youth movement:
It’s time to stop asking what it costs you and to start asking what it costs us!
