Sting Does It Old School at the Grammys
Warning: Gratuitous Sting-Loving Ahead
How freakin’ awesome was Sting at the Grammys last night? Reuniting with The Police, showing off his incredible guns, and doing an amazing rendition of Roxanne. Bestill my heart.
Sting is a longtime environmentalist, yogi, and infamously, practicer of tantric sex. But it’s his love for planet Earth that I find the hottest thing about him 😉
From a 2005 interview (bolding mine):
Jonathan Dimbleby: “Sting, at the Live 8 concert you changed the words of your song ‘Every Breath You Take’ and you sang ‘We’ll be watching you’ directing it at the G8 leaders. You haven’t got too much faith in what they might deliver by the sound of that?”
Sting: “I have to say that I have to be optimistic, you have to optimistic even in the face of all of these problems. I was very much in favour of the Live 8 mandate to reduce the debt and to double the aid. I think Africa is in the front line of all of these problems – whether it’s AIDS, whether it’s poverty, whether it’s disease, or whether it’s famine or drought. Most of all, I’m concerned about the environment. I think we can turn Africa’s economics around – we can do that. We can create stable economies, we can create the infrastructure for health and for education but without the environment all of this will count for nothing. We’re back to square one. This is my main concern. It needs to be linked to the environment.”
Jonathan Dimbleby: “You’ve been talking about these issues and campaigning about them for a very, very long time. You haven’t exactly been polite about President Bush’s contribution so far. Do you think it can be done without America or not?”
Sting: “No, I don’t think it can. I think we need to convince Mr Bush that global warming is in fact a reality.