Vogue Says It So It Must Be True
This is a shirt of mine (you can see me wearing it at the Clearwater Festival below).
One of my biggest guilty pleasures in life (besides full-fat, real ice cream) is that I love to read fashion magazines. I adore the end of the month when Vogue appears in my mailbox, and the middle of the month when Elle shows up. Of course I have a million criticisms of these mags, (including Vogue’s adoration of fur, which enrages me regularly).
But today, I’m here to praise. In “Norwich Notes”, William Norwich’s fashion/society column in July’s Vogue (with adorable Kate Hudson on the cover) he goes through a list of dos and don’ts for summer weekends. In fitting with his high society friends and cohorts, he gives such sage advice as: “Don’t wear flip flops to work” (oops, too late!) and “Don’t make phone calls on a crowded Long Island Rail Road train” (Of course not!!) and “Do remember that hostesses love a handwritten note.” (That’s true.)
But my favorite one?? Number 24: “Do point and laugh at people in Hummers.”
Zing! Hummers are OUT!