Eco-buzz: "Offsetting"
Offsetting, (verb) – to counteract (something) by having an opposing force or effect. To balance or serve as a counterbalance for. To compensate. Lately I have been hearing a lot about “offsetting.” Being able to purchase carbon credits, plant trees, and invest in renewable energy sources allows people the opportunity…
ENN: Environmental News Network
For the last few years I have received a daily newsletter from ENN, the Environmental News Network. It is a great resource for those seeking environmentally oriented news, without the slant of corporate media. Covering everything eco-related, from an international perspective, ENN features daily news as well as updates and…
Inspired by a lack of hip, organic baby products on the market, Diana Lussenden Stewart founded the BABYBEARSHOP line of organically derived oils and butters for mama and baby. In an effort to create a body line that is free of parabens, phthalates, and other known toxins, Diana has succeeded…
Save The Chimps
We haven’t done a lot on animals/mammals here at Eco Chick, but it seems to me that our relationship with other species is a huge part of our societal experience. Some say I am anthropomorphizing other creatures, and that my passion for animal rights is sentimental at best. I think…
"Natural" Beauty
It’s always good to be reminded that what the popular media deems “beautiful” is, at times, not only questionable, but false. This film, made by the Dove Self Esteem Fund, shows the ‘evolution’ of beauty at the hands of stylists, photographers, gaffers, editors, and graphic designers…
Our Green House
Being pregnant with twins made me want to seek out the healthiest, enviro-friendly baby products. I came accross a business that is right here in my home state – Our Green House in Newtown, CT. Started by Pam and Michael Davis, the business came from the desire to find healthy,…
CHEC: Children's Health Environmental Coalition
The Children’s Health Environmental Coalition (CHEC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating awareness and preventive action through educating parents, caregivers, and the general public about environmental toxins and the importance of living a sustainable existence. Focusing on our youth, the CHEC hopes to minimize unnecessary exposure to man-made toxins…
The Complete Organic Pregnancy
I just finished reading newly released The Complete Organic Pregnancy (Harper Collins) by Deirdre Dolan and Alexander Zissu and loved it. Since I am currently nineteen weeks pregnant, I have been soaking up a lot of information lately on all things revolving around pregnancy, babies, and organics. There are plenty…
Branson Pledges $3 Billion To Fight Global Warming
British billionaire Richard Branson pledged approximately $3 billion dollars today toward developing renewable energy sources in an effort to combat global warming. The funds are to come from all of the profits from Branson’s hugely successful Virgin airline and train companies. The NY Times reported that Branson was inspired by…
Way Out Wax Does Lavender
Walking by a mainstream candle store on my way to the health food shop made my head pound almost instantly yesterday. The vulgar synthetic pumpkin smell being pumped out of this place was nothing remotely similar to any natural smell I have ever known. I am always amazed how many…