
Eco Moms: Inspirational Green Links

As a new mother, I am always researching various topics regarding child rearing and environmentally friendly practices. Here are a few sites that I frequent or find inspirational.

Healthy Child, Healthy World
Formally the CHEC (Children’s Health Environmental Coalition,) Healthy Child, Healthy World is an organization recommended here before, and it is certainly worth another mention. Founders Nancy and James Chuda tragically lost their daughter to cancer that they believe was induced by exposure to toxins. The Chuda’s passion for protecting future generations from environmental hazards has led them to some of the most famous names in politics, entertainment, and grassroots activism. Healthy Child has inspired scientific research and legislative action. Their board is comprised of the likes of Erin Brokovich Ellis, world-renowned pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp, and Olivia Newton-John, among others. Healthy Child has a blog that provides useful information for parents who want to keep up on the latest eco-endeavours.
I love the site because there are many videos, articles, and glossaries for people wanting to educate themselves regarding current federal policy on environmental pollutants, or for those who just want to keep their home and family as healthy as possible. Also, any time I have emailed them with a question, they are always quick to respond with answers. According to Healthy Child, the U.S. EPA’s Office of Children’s Health Protection (the only govt. office assigned to oversee and protect the environmental health of our children) will possibly be dismantled soon. They are urging citizens to write to congressional leaders to guarantee funding for this branch: National Children’s Study

Eco Mom Alliance
I came across this site in my travels recently and it is a great motivator for mothers to empower themselves to be inspirational to their children. The Eco Mom Challenge, created by founder Kimberly Danek Pinkson, lists ten ways to start making a difference at home. Pinkson reminds us that embracing the concept of sustainability on all fronts – self, home, and planet – is what is going to implement true change in our lives. By taking care of ourselves as individuals and mothers, through communion and action, we generate positive health that permeates our lives.
Some of the tips mentioned on Eco Mom Alliance, such as “One Night Off” campaign, are great ideas to put into action. Reminiscent of Adbusters “Buy Nothing Day,” the concept of “One Night Off” originated with Australia’s “Cool The Globe” initiative, which advises choosing one night a week to turn off/unplug every energy-draining device in the house. While this saves natural resources, it inspires families to be creative with their time together.

Nature Moms
Tiffany Washko is a freelance writer and mother of three who cares about the environment. Working to minimize her family’s footprint and share her experiences with others, Tiffany maintains Nature Moms. Discussing everything from vaccinations to sippy cups on the blog, Nature Moms is a useful site to raise awareness and investigate the experiences of others on the ‘eco mom’ path. Grassroots mamas unite!

Holistic Moms Network
This is a good place to find local groups of parents who are holistically inclined. There are lots of articles on virtually every topic related to parenting. The links page on this website is a thorough and useful spot to check when looking for information relating to various topics: home-schooling, attachment parenting, vaccination safety, natural birthing, et cetera.

These ladies make me wish I lived in Portland so I could meet their group and hang with them at the park. For those in the Pac Northwest, there are lots of eco events happening and Enviromom keeps locals up to date. There are always interesting new ideas on the site, along with a tangible appreciation for a simpler way of life.

A few more great links: (sorry don’t have more time to elaborate on these, I’ve got twins needing to be fed!)
Mindful Momma
Mothering Magazine Online
La Marguerite
Green as a Thistle (I don’t think Vanessa is a mom but props to fellow Canadians… speaking of which: Envirowoman is another!)
For a good reference source: BEST GREEN BLOGS

There are many more. Just check out the blogroll on any of the links above and you will find oodles of eco-minded folk out there.