
Little White Dress Challenge, Day Three: Businessey Attire!

bussiness attire one

Today was a sweltering day! I had a bunch to do on top of commuting and workshop, and really wanted to be as creative with the dress as I could. So, today I decided to tuck the dress into a maxi skirt tied at the bottom and finish the outfit off with slim wedges. Boy, was it cool! No one noticed the dress, it took them two or three looks before they saw that indeed there was the LWD, acting much undercover.


I took a few quick glances at myself in the mirror and had to admit, I looked ready for a day of work, work, work, but also an evening of play. That’s one of the reasons I love doing this project, because sometimes there’s those days that you really feel on top of the world, happy and lucky, and at the same time I was doing my little something to care for mother nature.

In case you missed it, here is what I wore on day two!

Haley Sherif holds a B.F.A. in creative nonfiction writing from Emerson College. Born & raised in Manhattan, she's currently living in Brooklyn pursuing her dream to write. As an eager fourteen year old she originally joined the Eco-Chick team as an intern, several years later she's happy to be back. Her writing and design projects can be found on her personal site, haleykamilla.com, as well as on The Culture-ist and later and in Perversion's June, 2016 issue.