Planet Thrive
Planet Thrive is a useful website for those who are holistically inclined. This online community has a network of international members who are all interested in health and wellness. This interest is expressed in everything from blogging, poetry, and creative writing, to information sharing, classifieds, and personal stories. The founder, Julie Genser, created a site that would provide a positive place for people suffering with illness to find hope and camaraderie. Julie has enlisted the infamous Susun Weed, among other notables on the “ask the expert” page, to assist in the dissemination of information pertaining to mindful living.
People who become ill and find that their physicians are not providing the help they need can spend hours researching their condition on the Internet. I wanted Planet Thrive to be diverse and fun – with new areas to explore and discover every time you log on. The goal of the site is to help those who are dealing with chronic health issues to find answers, resources, and support. We are also very much about educating others to live healthier, non-toxic lifestyles.