Incredible Video Shows How Regular People Respond to the Real Story Behind Cheap Clothes
Recently, Fashion Revolution engaged in a brilliant guerilla education campaign.
Bangladesh Adopts New Labor Law, Critics Argue Workers Still at Serious Risk: This is Fast Fashion
Facing intense international pressure, Bangladeshi lawmakers amended the country’s labor law this week.
T-Shirts Support Bangladesh Garment Industry Workers
The Spectrum&Ali&Tazreen&Rana T-Shirts were made to support and cause awareness of the growing epidemic that is fast fashion and the horrific garment factories pushing clothing and accessories out at breakneck speeds. Each of the four garment factories listed on the t-shirt have contributed to roughly 1,618 deaths, an equal amount…
A Real Solution to Fast Fashion and the Horrors of Foreign Clothing Production is Here (Video)
Manufacture New York founder Bob Bland tells CBS News that producing clothing in America is the answer to what happened in Bangladesh, and she makes an incredibly compelling argument for why a ‘good deal’ on a cheap clothing isn’t so great.
Bangladesh’s Awful Building Collapse: Almost 400 dead, Over a Thousand Injured: This is Fast Fashion
Making just $37-$90 a month, its those incredibly low wages that are part of the reason we can buy clothing more cheaply in 2013 than in 1995, despite all other costs (materials, transportation, rents) having risen.
Another Bangladesh Factory Fire: This is Fast Fashion
Seven workers were killed — all women — and more than 15 injured on Saturday following a fire in a garment factory in Mohammadpur in the western part of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. The Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights reports that the workers were crushed as they tried to escape the…
Bhalo: Hand Created, Ethical Prints to Excite and Amuse
For a print-junkie like me, Bhalo's hand-printed, loomed and embroidered textiles are love at first close-up.
Why Eco Fashion Matters: Toxic Tanneries to Get You Those Supercheap Shoes, Bags and Belts (Totally NOT Worth It!)
This is where our cheap leather comes from. Is it worth it to pay $5 less for a pair of shoes and contribute to this? I don’t think so. Watch and learn! And then consider future leather purchases from ethical companies, like Coclico, Cri de Coeur, Patagonia and Naya. They…