Watch What Happens When Fashion Bloggers Work in a Sweatshop
The people have spoken, they do not accept deadly fashion!
Purple Buddha Jewelry: Turning Tools of Violence Into Objects of Beauty
Changing the Future with Destruction from the Past.
"They Have the Right to Live in Dignity": A Look at Cambodian Women Garment Workers (Video)
Beyond The Garment Factory’s Floor from savann.oeurm on Vimeo. Sometimes people think that covering and promoting eco fashion is frivolous. This is why it’s not.
Cambodia's 2 Wheels 4 School: Art for Bikes!
Now that you’ve thought about how you are going to improve your own life in 2011, what about those that have so much less than most of us? In Cambodia, schools are few and far-between. One of the biggest impediments to children making their way to class is distance. And…