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    Radiohead's ' In Rainbows'

      It all started back in 1992. Radiohead with frontman Thom Yorke had a searing single floating up the charts, a song like nothing else on the radio and the line that every teenage boy thought was cool, “I don’t care if it hurts, I wanna have control.”    …

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    Swimming With Dolphins: The Reality

    This video shows what goes on in the dolphin hunts and includes Hayden Panettiere (of the TV show ‘Heroes’) and a team of surfers who tried to protest and protect the mammals. Some think swimming with dolphins, or going to see animals/mammals in captivity, is somehow “environmental” or serving some…

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    San Francisco Green Fest This Weekend— Be There!

    Green Festival, The World’s Largest Environmental Expo and a joint project of Global Exchange & Co-op America is coming to San Francisco this weekend (Nov 9,10, 11) Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Concourse Exhibition Center. Tickets are on sale here. At the Green Festivals, we’re celebrating what’s working in…

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    Mask It Up!

    Let’s just say my skin’s been in better shape. Partying (or is it networking?) too many nights, crashing on couches and in random (hey, not THAT random) beds and being a full-time student, blogger and freelance writer (not to mention getting pancaked for TV appearances) means I’m dealing with more…

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    We Be Jammin'

    Noise Pollution is Environmental Pollution What’s more annoying than a crying baby? Ruder than tossing a butt on the street? More disgusting than an airsick neighbor on a plane? Cell phone chatter. BLAH, BLAH BLAH….why don’t people GET it? Nobody wants to hear what you’re saying into your mobile phone!…

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    Ashley Watson Recycled Leather Bags

    Look at these gorgeous bags!! Ashley Watson designs them from Vancouver, Canada, where they are also produced (no sweatshop labor!). Not only are they pretty, super-soft and fairly made, Watson crafts the bags from old leather jackets (so that’s where all those 80’s style cheesy motorcycle coats went!). Not exactly…

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    Gotta Keep on Top of the Bills!

    Yeesh! There’s a flurry of activity surrounding environmental issues in Congress and it’s all I can do to keep up! Here’s what’s going on: TOMORROW, on Halloween, the House is set to vote on HR 2262, which updates the incredibly outdated (and super destructive) Mining Act of 1872. That’s right,…

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    Yikes!! Who Wants Lead Lips?

    A runway look from Jill Stuart’s Fall ’07 collection No, I’m not talking about the new dark-lip look that’s been spotted on runways from Olivier Theyskens to Jill Stuart to Tuleh….. Treehugger reported last Friday that new independent lab tests by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics found that: More than…

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    Bring the Trees Back to Armenia!

    Two different regions in Armenia, Shikahogh Reserve, which is now protected thanks to the work of the Armenian Tree Project and other groups (L) and the Gabion (L). I’ve been a big fan of the Armenia Tree Project (ATP) since I first wrote about them for E Magazine a couple…

  • Creative Arts

    How to Score an Eco Chick?

    Mr. EcoGeek himself (aka Hank Green) put together this hilarious piece on how to impress (read: seduce) a green girl with your enviro cred. Title: “EcoGeek’s Guide to Getting Girls”! Love it. Being a guy, naturally he wrote a lot about how to get a woman in bed, or at…