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    You Might Be an Eco Chick If…..

    My wonderfully grey kitty, Penelope, who actually allows me to leave the heat off by keeping my lap warm while I blog, so I think she might have a negative carbon footprint! ……..you get embarassed when you absolutely HAVE to buy a bottled water one night after closing down a…

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    Help Fight Chocolate Extinction!

    First the honeybees (and duh, the honey) and now chocolate is on the decline? Say it ain’t so!! According to this CNN article on the subject of chocolate extinction, “Yields are declining all across the cocoa plantations of West Africa, where two thirds of the world’s supply is grown, as…

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    Eco-Hunk: David Suzuki

    David Suzuki is a Canadian hero, one of our top 10 Canadians even. He is best known for his television show The Nature Of Things airing across the world. He is a scientists and avid environmentalist. In 1990 he founded the David Suzuki Foundation which as the mission of finding…

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    Living Modestly Is Not Uncomfortable

    I hate that living modestly is starting to be equated with disregarding the comforts that we’ve been given… instead of a noble and earth saving way of life. I have a group of friends who all live together. In a maximum 6 person house (4 “real” bedrooms) there are 13…

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    A Royal Statement Indeed

    Prince Charles is elegantly using his power to make a powerful statement. The NYT reported that the Prince had made the choice to travel like his ordinary country men. No more excessive fuel devourers, aka private jets and helicopters. Instead he will be utilizes the energy conservation method of public…

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    What's Your Footprint?

      I just learned that if everyone on the planet lived as I do, it would take 4.2 Earths to provide for them. Meaning: I take up three times as much resources as I should. And that’s with keeping my house at 60 degrees all winter, driving minimally in an efficient car, and being a…