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    Why Greenfest? Here's the Answer

    by Guest-blogger Katherine Cure Katherine Cure sipping organic fair-trade coffee from one of the second-hand mugs that were available for use during Greenfest “Greenfest? What’s that?” the tanned middle-aged East Bay native eating next to me asked, as I outlined to him my reasons for coming to San Francisco for…

  • Creative Arts

    How to Score an Eco Chick?

    Mr. EcoGeek himself (aka Hank Green) put together this hilarious piece on how to impress (read: seduce) a green girl with your enviro cred. Title: “EcoGeek’s Guide to Getting Girls”! Love it. Being a guy, naturally he wrote a lot about how to get a woman in bed, or at…

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    Liveblogging from Live Earth!

    —Giants Stadium, 2:45 PM EST I’m here at Live Earth in New York, which is the last show in the worldwide music celebration so we can Save Our Selves (SOS). KT Tunstall KT Tunstall is up first, after a lackluster intro by Mr. Six-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon. Are you watching? If not, you…

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    Hug Your Local Eco Blogger

    Recently I’ve been noticing a lot of great new environmentally-oriented blogs popping up that are local in focus, a trend that I think is really important for creating change. It’s all fine and good to know what’s going on in the world, but just as we’ve all learned about supporting…

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    Electric Cars ARE for Girls!

    I love this new site, Electric Cars Are for Girls. Since women buy the majority of cars in this country AND make up the bulk of people who consider themselves environmentalists, it makes perfect sense to get women on the electric car bandwagon. Lynne Mason, who runs the site, knows…

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    Loving LÄRABARS!

    As a person dealing with a newly discovered gluten allergy, I totally need to rant about how in love I am with LÄRABARS. Not only are they a super tasty snack, but they’re healthy and full of great ingredients. Each LÄRABAR (there are currently 6 flavors) contains 1 1/2 servings…

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    Another Eco-Chick in New York

    I’m in New York City, for the first time ever this week. I think my new favorite thing to do is to just go around taking random photos, landing at my friends house and photo shopping the hell out of them. Anyway, I have to say I’m impressed with how…