Backyard Miracles
The butterflies are migrating! I have noticed the delicate orange wonders flit joyfully through my neighborhood from one purple butterfly bush to the next for about 2 weeks now. They float along the sidewalks, the Potomac, and through our backyards. Today I counted about 13 of them float by my office window. The…
For some reason, in my life, Arcosanti keeps appearing whenever I’m doing research on something else. I’m drawn to this experiment in human living and I think that means that someday I will end up there. Paolo Soleri, and architect who studied with Frank Lloyd Wright, is the father of Arcosanti,…
Recycle and Rehash
Right after I returned from my vacation I wrote several posts that were lost during our transition to a new server. Rather than rewrite them in their entirety, I am doing an edited version. So if you’ve seen these items here before, it’s because you have! (It’s always nice to…
Retirement No More: The Anchor has been Lifted
The campaign to stop global warming is attracting more and more recognizable media and political faces. The respected Tom Brokaw, the former NBC anchorman, has teamed up with the Discovery Channel, in partnership with the BBC to host on Sunday July 16th, ”Global Warming: What You Need to Know” at…
Saving the Great Bahama Banks
Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to take an incredible trip to the Bahamas. I wasn’t there to relax and enjoy myself for a vacation, though I certainly did some relaxing and had a fabulous time. I was there to see the Grand Bahama Banks- and why they need…
From the Left and the Right: Meeting in the Green
I may not agree with Greg on every issue, but I love the fact that his explanation for “Why I’m Green” is just a photo essay of him in beautiful surroundings like the above shot. The Republican party was not always the go-to group when it came to environmental armageddon (not…