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    Backyard Miracles

      The butterflies are migrating! I have noticed the delicate orange wonders flit joyfully through my neighborhood from one purple butterfly bush to the next for about 2 weeks now. They float along the sidewalks, the Potomac, and through our backyards. Today I counted about 13 of them float by my office window. The…

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    For some reason, in my life, Arcosanti keeps appearing whenever I’m doing research on something else. I’m drawn to this experiment in human living and I think that means that someday I will end up there. Paolo Soleri, and architect who studied with Frank Lloyd Wright, is the father of Arcosanti,…

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    Recycle and Rehash

    Right after I returned from my vacation I wrote several posts that were lost during our transition to a new server. Rather than rewrite them in their entirety, I am doing an edited version. So if you’ve seen these items here before, it’s because you have! (It’s always nice to…

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    Saving the Great Bahama Banks

    Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to take an incredible trip to the Bahamas. I wasn’t there to relax and enjoy myself for a vacation, though I certainly did some relaxing and had a fabulous time. I was there to see the Grand Bahama Banks- and why they need…