You Might Be an Eco Chick If…..
……you wonder, while working out at the gym, how much energy could be generated by the machines everyone is running/ellipticalling on. And then you try to do some calculations while running, and almost fall off the machine. (And when you get home you remember that someone’s already started a green…
Eco Chick Starre Vartan on Green Living Ideas Radio, USA Today, and Inhabitat!
Thought all you Eco Chick readers might all like to hear me (babble) green on Green Living Ideas radio. You can subscribe to their free podcast on iTunes, or listen on the interview on the Green Living Ideas radio site. It was a fun interview, and we talked about a…
Eco Chick Book in Star Magazine!
Wow! My book was on the “Hot Sheet” page of Star Magazine last week (the one with Brad and Jen on the cover). What a fun mention! (See bottom right of page below.) They were also awesome enough to mention the book on the main page of their website. Thanks!
Deplasticize Your Life!
This movie from the 1950’s shows Disney’s “House of the Future” which is totally kitted out in plastic EVERYthing. Ironic that here I am from 2008 writing about how to get plastic out of my life! I haven’t picked up a plastic bag in weeks now*, and I’m looking for…
Eco Chick News Tweets!
Tweet This! How The Media Abandoned the Environment, at new techie-with-a-heart-of-green EcoTechDaily. Check Chris Baskind’s op/ed on the lack of environmental coverage in mainstream media: No, you’re not imagining things. With U.S. gasoline prices edging toward $4.00 a gallon; oil prices at an all-time high, demand for materials such as…
Nuclear Is No Option
A few months ago, I posted here a compendium of reasons why I live in Germany. Though I’d intended the post as an answer to all those who’ve asked in the past, writing it also helped me to see through the myths I’d taken too seriously (i.e. all Germans are…
North America's First Carbon Tax
No more cruising the strip in British Columbia! It has recently become North America’s first jurisdiction to introduce a consumer based carbon tax! B.C Minister of Finance, Carole Taylor, also vowed that every cent will be returned through tax cuts and credits. It’s a good way to keep people aware…
Eco-Hunk: David Suzuki
David Suzuki is a Canadian hero, one of our top 10 Canadians even. He is best known for his television show The Nature Of Things airing across the world. He is a scientists and avid environmentalist. In 1990 he founded the David Suzuki Foundation which as the mission of finding…
Baby Bunch
Baby Bunch makes these too-cute new-parent’s gifts. They look like a bunch of flowers, but they are really organic cotton baby onesies, booties, hats and towels. Because they’re disguised as a bouquet, they can be given as is, rather than wrapped, saving resources at the same time!
Nature Kids, Hot Water Woes, and Pellet Stoves
I want my child to connect with nature, but how can a suburban park be designed to both protect visitors from Lyme disease–carrying ticks and restore the natural ecosystem? —Lena Crandall, Scarsdale, NY The funny thing about wildlife (even the kind that finds its way into parks and playgrounds in…