Deplasticize Your Life!
This movie from the 1950’s shows Disney’s “House of the Future” which is totally kitted out in plastic EVERYthing. Ironic that here I am from 2008 writing about how to get plastic out of my life! I haven’t picked up a plastic bag in weeks now*, and I’m looking for…
Greased Lightning: Veggie Greasecar
Recently, my family has been considering going veggie at the pump. We are thinking we can help a few restaurants in our neighborhood by providing waste management for their used veggie oil! At Greasecar you can learn all about running vehicles on vegetable oil. In their classifieds you can pick…
Cell Towers and Health Effects: Cellular Disservice?
This past week a local in my town contacted me to see if I would be interested in discussing the issues surrounding a potential cellular tower that would be constructed within one mile of my house. Some of us from the town had the chance to voice our concerns to…
Mothers Milk Project: The Anti Nuclear Weapon
For those living within fifty miles of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, there is a new way to document the potential impact of nuclear energy and radioactive waste. Breast milk: who knew it could be an (anti-)nuclear weapon? The Mothers Milk Project is an endeavor founded by longtime activists…
Wind Farms: Beauty or the Beast
I took this photo of the wind turbines in Palm Springs, CA I’ve heard the two windiest spots on our planet are the Coachella Valley of California and South Africa. The wind in California has prompted the installation of thousands of windmills in the Coachella Valley, which generate electricity for…
Green Schools 101
Green schools are inarguably the right decision for our children and the environment. Though up-front costs are higher, green buildings save enough in operation and maintenance expenses to pay for their original construction in a matter of months. The money saved on energy bills (the annual energy savings from a…
Nuclear Is No Option
A few months ago, I posted here a compendium of reasons why I live in Germany. Though I’d intended the post as an answer to all those who’ve asked in the past, writing it also helped me to see through the myths I’d taken too seriously (i.e. all Germans are…
Daylight Savings Time: Energy Waster
Guest post by Brian Clark Howard, editor at The Daily Green Cartoon from “K City” by Bruno Pieroni Growing up in Central Indiana, daylight savings time seemed foreign and exotic. My friends and I were aware that we were the butt of jokes around the country for being one of…
Eco-Hunk: David Suzuki
David Suzuki is a Canadian hero, one of our top 10 Canadians even. He is best known for his television show The Nature Of Things airing across the world. He is a scientists and avid environmentalist. In 1990 he founded the David Suzuki Foundation which as the mission of finding…
How Green is Your Vote?
One of our readers pointed out a lack of political discourse on environmental issues. Earthlab has compiled a breakdown of what the candidates wish to accomplish with regard to the environment. Alex, thanks for bringing this up and for the link from earthlab! 2008 Presidential Candidates – Environment Top Democrat…