Ladies Love Lube!
Guestblogger Wendy Strgar, is the owner and founder of Good Clean Love (they make the above lube) a manufacturer of all-natural love and intimacy products. Married for over 23 years with four children, Wendy teaches about Making Love Sustainable, a green philosophy of relationships which recognizes the importance of valueing the renewable…
Departure to a New Utopia
Leonardo DiCaprio is departing from his role in front of the camera and once again focusing his attention towards the environment. Where as Sir Thomas More brought us Utopia, DiCaprio is helping to bring to us E-topia . This new reality TV series is pretty much summed up by this…
Snowboarders Do It Greenly
My favorite snowboard-culture magazine, Snowboarder, is now even better; they are proudly (they tout it on the November, 2006 cover) printing on recycled paper! Not only that, but there is a decidedly environmentally-minded slant to quite a bit of their coverage in various departments; in the photo section they encourage…
Ode to Autumn
This is my favorite season, a time of apple-picking, knit scarves and hats, pumpkin carving, colorful leaves and cool, sunny days. It’s my favorite shopping season, the best time to climb a mountain, and if you’re a little tough, you can still swim too (the water stays warmer longer than…
Dumping once again
This morning I read this article about toxic sludge being dumped by a tanker in the ocean and washing up on the shores of the Ivory Coast. The kid in the picture above has sores on his body from exposure to this stuff. People have gotten ill from…
Eco-Chick Business: ecohome, berkeley ca
ecohome is definitely on my top 10 list of eco resources in my neighborhood that I’m thrilled to discover. Co-owned by two fellow eco-chicks Nina Boeddeker and Taja di Leonardi, ecohome sells “ecological & healthy home improvement products” (flooring, cabinetry, countertops, tiles, paints & plaster, stains & sealers) at really…
This week in DC, concern over a scientific study that found “intersex fish” in the Potomac resonated only briefly around my office and circle of friends. I have tried impress my concern upon them that we are, in fact, drinking Potomac River water here in DC (and in some of…
Patriarchy of Pork
While reading through my environmental ethics text book today (that will be used for a class called Philosophy and the Environment…woot!) I came across a section called “Patriarchy of Pork or Feminist Fuss” in a chapter called “Ethics and Animals”. The section is only about a page long (a bit…
Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism
When I was in grade 12 I wrote a paper that I thought was fantastic. I hate that I can say I still have it – and got to read over it again today, it’s pretty horrible. Actually, for it being the first a) philosophy paper and b) environmental paper…
Dispatch from LA
Maybe this is where Paris Hilton lives When I moved out to Los Angeles three weeks ago, some of my friends were puzzled. I am not a city girl. I don’t like clubs, or fashion, or glitz, or glamour. I sleep in my sleeping bag even at home, and I…