Copenhagen's (COP15) Amazing Green Art
No successful movement works without important art. Where would the hippies have been without their unique (ehm, hallucinogenic) posters, 2nd wave feminism without all those novels and creative nonfiction writings, the Vietnam protests without the music, or Civil Rights without heart-wrenching photography? Not only did these pieces of art change…
Beautiful Things: Eco Chick’s Holiday Green Gift Guide, 2009
I’ve always been a firm believer in the idea that buying stuff doesn’t have to be bad. Should we buy less? Yes. Should we carefully consider what we buy, where it comes from, and who makes it? Definitely, for sure, and yeah! BUT the thing that’s missing in all the…
Simple Ways to a Green 2008 Holiday
Every year there are things we do to minimize the consumptive haze. This year, with the economy being what it is and people mowing each other down at Wal-Mart, many are choosing alternatives to corporate Christmas debris. Here are some of the tips that help my family to slow down,…
Eco Chick Third Birthday and Book Party: Fun for All (Species)!!
Eco Chick is three years old! To celebrate her growing up (there are over 900 posts!) as well as the launch of my book, based on the blog, The Eco Chick Guide to Life: How to Be Fabulously Green, called for a kid’s themed party of course! Eco Chick Founder…
Create a Gorgeous, Sustainable Holiday Table
Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts
It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…
Eco Holiday
This year, to enjoy the holidays, we are minimizing gift-giving and enjoying time together. Here are some simple ways we are doing this: ~Clearing out old stuff and donating it to Goodwill and shelters ~Enjoying warm cups of organic vanilla and spice tea ~Heading out for a hike ~Lighting the…
Champagne Cork Contest at DWR!
Do you have designing hands? Get some creativity in your holiday (this would be fun to make into a competition among family or friends too!) by creating a chair for Design Within Reach’s annual Champagne Chair Contest! No, not full-size ones….miniatures made from what would normally be thrown away from…
EVO's Big-Tent Green Shopping Revolution
Last week, EVO, the get-everything-green-in-one-place site launched, and it’s pretty awesome. They have a ‘Green Rating System’ for each one of their products that works like this: Simply put, how green a product is depends on what it’s made from, how it’s produced, the distance it travels to reach the…
Fab Green Thanksgiving Weekend Sales
OK, so I totally forgot and just bought used books despite the fact that I was trying to partake in Buy Nothing Day. If you’re also doing a little shopping this weekend (trying to get a head-start on holiday gifts, of course!), then check out one of these eco-friendly boutiques:…