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    North America's First Carbon Tax

    No more cruising the strip in British Columbia! It has recently become North America’s first jurisdiction to introduce a consumer based carbon tax! B.C Minister of Finance, Carole Taylor, also vowed that every cent will be returned through tax cuts and credits. It’s a good way to keep people aware…

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    How Green is Your Vote?

    One of our readers pointed out a lack of political discourse on environmental issues. Earthlab has compiled a breakdown of what the candidates wish to accomplish with regard to the environment. Alex, thanks for bringing this up and for the link from earthlab! 2008 Presidential Candidates – Environment Top Democrat…

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    Lucky Mag's Great Green Resources

    The February issue of Lucky Magazine (with an Eco-Chick favorite, Hayden Panettiere), on the cover, has some really fun green content, along with their regular fashion how-to’s and trend reports. It’s great that mags aren’t just running ‘green’ issues anymore; now ecofashion and beauty products are just a part of…

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    Fix It, Don't Toss It!

    After arriving at warm home town Barranquilla, Colombia, I was in the process of putting away my winter clothes, when inside my jacket’s pocket I found an unfamiliar object. I reached inside and out came a pair of earrings. “Nice”, I thought. And tried to remember where I had gotten…

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    Eco-Fashion Makes Local Farmers Happy

    The organics industry is expected to boom faster than ever in the next few years. And I’m stoked. It seems like everywhere I look, someone else is going organic. Just the other day I was perusing my favorite store, H&M and came across and entire organic section, that I had…

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    Beards Are The New Hotness!

    Letterman and Conan are wearing their ‘strike beards’ to show their solidarity with the writers on their shows. I’ve been seeing it everywhere in New York City; guys with beards now that the cold weather is here. And I’m loving it! It’s sexy, and just a little bit fuzzy too.…

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    Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts

    It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…

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    EVO's Big-Tent Green Shopping Revolution

    Last week, EVO, the get-everything-green-in-one-place site launched, and it’s pretty awesome. They have a ‘Green Rating System’ for each one of their products that works like this: Simply put, how green a product is depends on what it’s made from, how it’s produced, the distance it travels to reach the…