Denim Revolution: Organic + Ohhh-My-Butt- Looks-So- Good Jeans
That’s what it is about girls, right? Jeans that make our asses look good while being good to the planet…It’s also nice to see that responsbile denim companies using organic cotton, less toxic to non-toxic dyes, and fair trade standards are popping up all around the globe. In my many…
Wearing those knees thin in your favorite jeans?
They are our favorite jeans for a reason. They may make our butt look good (a definite pre-requisite for buying them in the first place); they elongate our legs (good for petite women); they just…fit (thank god for a little lycra); or, they’ve been with you since college, bringing home…
…a toast to Toast
So I’m blog-binging a bit on ethical and eco-fashions in the the U.K. b/c hell, there is so much to cover. In just 2 days while in London and 5 days in the middle-of-nowhere-but-god-its-beautiful-even-though-it-is-freezing-and-the-snow-is-“falling”-horizontally-weather-(aka Durham), I had the pleasure of picking up a myriad of different things to blog about.…
Free Trade? Give it to me Fair, Straight Up
I must admit, after having come back from Hong Kong in the midst of World Trade talks and Fair Trade forays, I need to do a few posts dedicated to fair trade fashion. I came across equop, a fair trade cotton and indie artist fashion label while in Paris this…
Anna Sova Yummy
I attended the Anna Sova launch last party last weekend in Manhattan. The self-titled line of ‘luxury organics’, which includes aromatherapy sprays, soy candles, sheets, duvets and bedruffles (I call it bedwear), towels and paint is truly gorgeous, and I was thrilled to see that someone finally realizes that just…