High Fructose Corn Syrup IS Bad for Your Kidney, Liver and the Planet (but can be Funny Too)!
The original SHAMEFUL ad that was showing during the spring and early summer. Really. Anyone with even a modicum of concern about what they eat (or what their family eats) has cut out high fructose corn syrup. WHY is HFCS so bad for us? Mainly, because it’s processed, and processed…
Food Democracy Now! Petition Sustainable Choices for the USDA
Food Democracy Now! is a grassroots campaign comprised of farmers, writers, activists, policy advocates and people who eat. A petition is circulating to bring our attention to the desperate need for sustainable practices regarding food. The Food Democracy Now! petition asks President-elect Barack Obama and newly appointed Secretary of Agriculture,…
350: Global Warming. Global Action. Global Future.
Last night I was reading my favorite magazine, Orion. Bill McKibben was discussing the campaign 350. From the website: 350 is the red line for human beings, the most important number on the planet. The most recent science tells us that unless we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide…
Is Green Too White?
In a recent article, “Beyond Eco-Apartheid,” Van Jones of Oakland’s Ella Baker Center for Human Rights asks, “Is the environmental movement too white?” According to Jones, “The LOHAS (lifestyles of health and sustainability) sector is growing like crazy…but unfortunately [it] is probably the most racially segregated part of the US…
Pollan Speaks Out
Grist has a great interview with Michael Pollan, author of the new book Omnivore’s Dilemma (I’m reading it now! So far, it’s pretty amazing…) in their newsletter this week. My favorite quote was Pollan’s assertion that the connections between what we eat and the environment are strong (duh), and tie…
Think Spring!
The time to plant tulip, iris, and hyacinth bulbs is past in much of the country, but spring planting is right around the corner. Gladiolas, tuberoses, and dalias will be ready to add to your garden, and virtually thumbing through garden catalogs online is a great way to beat the…