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    I saw these super-creative light fixtures at the Haute Green design exhibit at the end of May and was really taken with them. Turns out I’m not the only one: see more about them here, and here. GreenLight is part of an experimental design project out of NYU. A solar…

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    To condemn the condom, or not…

    Durex 2003 Sex Survey Highlights People have sex an average of 127 times a year. Three quarters of those polled are happy with their sex lives. Eastern Europeans (Hungarians, Bulgarians, and Russians) are the most sexually active 45% of those taking the survey reported having a one night stand. Those…

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    Kiwi & Pink & Business Week, Oh My!

    The Green is spreading! First up is Kiwi– maybe those with kids have already heard of this great magazine centered around healthy and green living for parents (it seems to have been out for about 6 months now), but I just came across my first issue. Kiwi is super-informative, with…

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    New Year’s GreenSolutions

    Right after Christmas I always start thinking about how I need a serious cleanse from all the holiday eating and drinking, not to mention all the junk clogging up my brain from seeing people I haven’t seen in so long, travelling all over the East Coast and generally ignoring healthy…

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    SkiGreen MiniTags

    Tina Basich  Love riding or skiing but hate how driving all the way to the mountain makes you feel sooooo guilty? Besides finding out if a local ski center has a bus to the mountains (my local shop does one-day bus trips that include a lift ticket at a discount),…

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    Guestblogger: GardenRant

    I’ve been enjoying the well-written and funny-as-hell GardenRant blog of late, and Susan Harris, who runs the site jointly with two other women, is guest-posting about why she wanted to start a blog that focuses on ecologically intelligent gardening. Check it out! Why Gardening Matters  by Susan Harris of GardenRant…

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    Sakhalin Island

           Sometimes environmental victories come in unlikely packages. The Russian government announced this week that it is putting the nix on Shell Oil Company’s plans to pursue the “Sakhalin II” project, a project to extract, exploit, and transport fossil fuels through both on and offshore pipelines in a…