People Won't Change for the Environment (on my campus)
A recent article outlines a pretty simplistic poll conducted in London about people’s willingness to change their behaviour for the good of the planet. A straw poll of 15 British men and 15 British women between the ages of 25-75 in central London, showed all were willing to make small…
Which Cars Win First Prize in Green? Greenopia’s Got the Deets
Guest Post By Ayana Meade According to the newly-released Greenopia Green Care Guide, the top three most eco-friendly cars on the market today are: 1. the Toyota Prius 2. the Honda Civic Hybrid 3. the Jetta Clean Diesel. All three had incredibly high gas mileage and burned cleanly to boot.…
Eco-Beauty Consultant Jessa Blade's Recommendations for Dry Winter Skin
During Eco-Chick’s 3rd birthday party last month, I had the chance to meet eco-beauty consultant and make-up artist, Jessa Blades. Jessa is the founder of Blades Natural Beauty and is a vessel of information regarding all things organic beauty and skincare. Shortly after learning about the breast cancer and body…
Starre Vartan to Speak at "Plugging Into Green" Panel in Brooklyn
P.S. 107 Kicks off its 5th Annual “Readings on the 4th Floor” Series by Plugging into the Green Movement Leading writers from the frontlines of “green” discuss life and community-changing strategies. Why in a city with the cleanest water in the country do the mass of New Yorkers cling to…
Dose of Reality: Happy New Year
“The science is beyond dispute… Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response.” I never thought I’d see the day when the President of the USA would be considered “more green” than the prime minister of Canada. I’m happy to say, that I truly believe…
Reduce: Use a Home Soda Making-Machine
On the homepage of the Container Recycling Institute is a counter clocking how many beverage containers have been landfilled, littered and incinerated in the United States. This year alone the counter has tallied over 125 billion bottles and cans. Amazingly, the average American drinks around 60 gallons of soda each…
350: Global Warming. Global Action. Global Future.
Last night I was reading my favorite magazine, Orion. Bill McKibben was discussing the campaign 350. From the website: 350 is the red line for human beings, the most important number on the planet. The most recent science tells us that unless we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide…
Deplasticize Your Life!
This movie from the 1950’s shows Disney’s “House of the Future” which is totally kitted out in plastic EVERYthing. Ironic that here I am from 2008 writing about how to get plastic out of my life! I haven’t picked up a plastic bag in weeks now*, and I’m looking for…
Lucky Day at Fashion Ethic = Crazy Deals
OK, I don’t normally post emails or releases directly from stores, but these are really amazing!–SV Today, 08-08-08, Fashion Ethic celebrates their customers with a Lucky Day! As the world comes together for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, we wanted our customers to experience a day seen as triple-lucky…
How Green is Your Vote?
One of our readers pointed out a lack of political discourse on environmental issues. Earthlab has compiled a breakdown of what the candidates wish to accomplish with regard to the environment. Alex, thanks for bringing this up and for the link from earthlab! 2008 Presidential Candidates – Environment Top Democrat…