How Sustainable is Your Favorite Wine? Greenopia Rates 25 Wineries
Greenopia has just rated 25 wineries for their environmental impact. Here’s why: Any oenophile worth her spitting glass has heard the dire stories about how global warming will affect wineries, altering the very microclimates that make it possible to grow champagne in Champagne, France and enable growers to eke out…
Healthy Child Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home
Healthy Child, Healthy World is an organization founded by Nancy and Jim Chuda. After losing their daughter, Collette, to a non-hereditary form of cancer, the Chuda’s decided to dedicate their lives to environmental safety and children’s health. Healthy Child, Healthy World, (formally the CHEC, the Children’s Environmental Health Coalition,) serves…
Wind Farms: Beauty or the Beast
I took this photo of the wind turbines in Palm Springs, CA I’ve heard the two windiest spots on our planet are the Coachella Valley of California and South Africa. The wind in California has prompted the installation of thousands of windmills in the Coachella Valley, which generate electricity for…
Baby Bunch
Baby Bunch makes these too-cute new-parent’s gifts. They look like a bunch of flowers, but they are really organic cotton baby onesies, booties, hats and towels. Because they’re disguised as a bouquet, they can be given as is, rather than wrapped, saving resources at the same time!
Lucky Mag's Great Green Resources
The February issue of Lucky Magazine (with an Eco-Chick favorite, Hayden Panettiere), on the cover, has some really fun green content, along with their regular fashion how-to’s and trend reports. It’s great that mags aren’t just running ‘green’ issues anymore; now ecofashion and beauty products are just a part of…
Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts
It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…
The Kids Are Not Going to Be Alright: They're Going to Be Pissed
Several of my friends have had babies in the last few years, and some are on their second round already. Though it seems to me that there are far too many people on the planet already, it’s difficult to begrudge anyone the basic human drive to reproduce, and my friends’…
Eco Luxury Gift Ideas (and Bikes!) in Vogue
I was thrilled to see some seriously fun totally over-the-top delicious green stuff featured in Vogue’s December issue (it’s the one with the impossibly gorgeous Penelope Cruz, above, on the cover). First up, there’s “Season’s Greenings” by William Norwich, who talks to three fabulous greenies. Sheherazade Goldsmith, author of A…
Travel and Leisure Green Travel Bible
Travel and Leisure Magazine really did it up this month for their ethical travel issue. Unlike some green theme issues, every inch of this one is packed with great resources for all of us who love to jet off into the unknown but have terrible, terrible guilt about the environmental…
One Person’s Crapola is Another’s Lifesaver
Reusing your stuff is a cheap, planet-friendly move, and now you no longer have to hold a giant yardsale to find a good home for your favorite but ill-fitting ski helmet or that extra garden hose you never seem to use. Swapping or borrowing saves resources because less stuff has…