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    Way Out Wax Does Lavender

    Walking by a mainstream candle store on my way to the health food shop made my head pound almost instantly yesterday. The vulgar synthetic pumpkin smell being pumped out of this place was nothing remotely similar to any natural smell I have ever known. I am always amazed how many…

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    The Good Life, Greenified

    Danny Seo is usually referred to as the ‘green’ Martha Stewart, but that’s not really true. For one thing, Ms. Stewart is no slouch in the ecologically-conscious department. She always promotes farmer’s markets on her shows and in her magazines, she frequently advocated for organics, is pro-open space, and uses…

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    Greenpeace Announces McVictory

    This week, Greenpeace has praised McDonald’s for leading an international industry-based campaign to stop deforestation of the Amazon. Pressure from Greenpeace and other grassroots organizations has been applied to McDonald’s for purchasing soya grown in deforested regions in order to be used as chicken feed. Greenpeace had launched a campaign…

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    Anna Sova Yummy

    I attended the Anna Sova launch last party last weekend in Manhattan. The self-titled line of ‘luxury organics’, which includes aromatherapy sprays, soy candles, sheets, duvets and bedruffles (I call it bedwear), towels and paint is truly gorgeous, and I was thrilled to see that someone finally realizes that just…