You Might Be an Eco Chick If…..
……you wonder, while working out at the gym, how much energy could be generated by the machines everyone is running/ellipticalling on. And then you try to do some calculations while running, and almost fall off the machine. (And when you get home you remember that someone’s already started a green…
Starbucks Eco-frustration
Full Disclosure: About once a week I go to Starbucks. I hide my head in shame (hey, I protested Starbucks putting locals out of business in the 90’s) and stand on line for a soy latte. I work and attend grad school in Manhattan, and Starbucks are everywhere AND they…
Big Business Can Make a Big Difference!?
Actually, I am anti-capitalism, BUT I realize I live within a system that’s stuck with the concept, and I’m willing to work within it (which, in my experience has yielded more positive change than trying to overthrow it….or maybe I’m just getting old!) So I was pretty fascinated by the…
Starbucks & Oxfam Duke it out over Ethiopia, Madonna and Media Duke it out over Malawi baby
…Hey, but at least we are seeing more reports on Africa in the papers. Read more about Oxfam’s claim against Starbucks, and Starbucks claim against Oxfam. and of course, Madonna – for all of you OK & US Weekly readers. You must ask yourself, how does Angie make adoption look…
From the Left and the Right: Meeting in the Green
I may not agree with Greg on every issue, but I love the fact that his explanation for “Why I’m Green” is just a photo essay of him in beautiful surroundings like the above shot. The Republican party was not always the go-to group when it came to environmental armageddon (not…
The Meatrix II: Revolting
Continuing the fight against factory farming and unsustainable practices is something Sustainable Table has been doing through their entertaining and informative Meatrix short film and website. Now, their sequel, The Meatrix II: Revolting is circulating on the net continuing the revolution against big agri-business. GRACE, which stands for Global Resource…
"Sustainability: the new self-satisfaction"
On March 7th, 2005, Financial Times writer Richard Tomkins reports that “Sex will sell but sustainability is the new self-satisfaction.” Though he opens up the editorial on Coco De Mer, he remarks that “it is not just sex that is getting sustainable.” He mentions Ethos Water (owned by Starbucks), which…
Attention Caffeine Junkies!
If you drink coffee (about 50% of Americans drink it every day, and 80% quaff it sometimes) you should know where it comes from. (and hey, now it’s good for you, so go ahead!) The exhaustively researched cover story for the Nov/Dec Issue of E/The Environmental Magazine, “Grounds For Change”…