Eco-buzz: "Offsetting"
Offsetting, (verb) – to counteract (something) by having an opposing force or effect. To balance or serve as a counterbalance for. To compensate. Lately I have been hearing a lot about “offsetting.” Being able to purchase carbon credits, plant trees, and invest in renewable energy sources allows people the opportunity…
The Hand that Rocks the Gorilla's Cradle
When do we humans go too far? Today it was reported that an experiment was conducted and concluded in which a southwest England zoo had given fertility drugs to a western lowland gorilla. I find myself asking the question, why should people be allowed to give animals fertility drugs? If…
The Boston "Green" Party
The City of Boston has announced its respected plans to revise its existing building code and make it a mandatory practice that all of the city’s private, large scale construction of at least 50,000 sq ft be “green”. All of these buildings are to adhere to the minimum LEED rating…
Green Karat
Some of Green Karat’s designs We know diamonds are not a girl’s best friend and we’ve seen environmentally friendly jewelry, like Kiersten Muenster’s , and Gwen Davis’ gorgeous creations. But what if you’re looking for something with more traditional style? Green Karat’s recycled gold jewelry looks the same as non-recycled…
Rumor has it wrong: Edun is not closing
A rumor began spreading on the internet that Ali Hewson’s, Edun, line was closing. This was picked up by the website, Style Dash, who pointed to a press release that now has been removed from the internet. According to sources, Edun is not closing. On a side note, creating a…
The Yangtze River loses a Friend
Dolphins are beautiful miraculous creatures. They are gentle and smart aquatic mammals. Due to heavy over fishing, ship traffic, and pollution, it is a sad announcement to say that the Baiji white dolphin has now been declared extinct. This marks the first time in over 50 years that a large…
Evergreen Makes a Difference
Evergreen State College in Olympia , WA has taken on the rarely addressed issue of college students with mental disorders. Their facility and program emphasizes another aspect of the importance of a clean and healthy environment. We are all greatly affected by our environment and when one is hyper sensitive…
A Royal Statement Indeed
Prince Charles is elegantly using his power to make a powerful statement. The NYT reported that the Prince had made the choice to travel like his ordinary country men. No more excessive fuel devourers, aka private jets and helicopters. Instead he will be utilizes the energy conservation method of public…
InStyle Goes Green(ish)
I don’t usually buy InStyle (but Kate Winslet was on the cover! I love her), but I’m quite pleased that I picked up the December issue at the grocery store last night. What to my wondering eyes should appear, but in the midst of their gift-giving multi-page extravaganza, with such…
ECO LQ (Lifestyle Quotient): What life stage were you the "Most Eco"?
It’s often difficult to keep up with the Jonses on all this “Good Green Citizen” stuff. For the majority of us out there, we can’t possibly give all we got, but we can do things in our everyday life to make a difference. Where we are in our life, how…