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    Big Business Can Make a Big Difference!?

    Actually, I am anti-capitalism, BUT I realize I live within a system that’s stuck with the concept, and I’m willing to work within it (which, in my experience has yielded more positive change than trying to overthrow it….or maybe I’m just getting old!) So I was pretty fascinated by the…

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    Green Building 101

    This month’s WIRED and E/The Environmental Magazine both have great features on the many and varied ways of constructing an eco-home. E Magazine’s coverage focuses on the history and current status of green building in the US, including lots of stats, facts and info (like that buildings consume 65% of…

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    Blogging and Feminism Panel

    The Panel on Blogging and Feminism in NYC was really fantastic! I didn’t make it to the EO Wilson talk, but I know Starre did! So she’ll have more on that I’m sure. [Picture originally uploaded by Liz] Liz, who does regular blogging here, did some live blogging for the…

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    Florida’s New “Destiny”

    In what is the most significant Real Estate Deal in Flordia since Walt Disney’s purchase of land for what is now Disney World, developer Anthony V. Pugliese III paid the Latt Maxcy Corporation $140 million for 27,400-acres of land in Florida. Is he to build another theme park? No. He…

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    Google Gives Some Green

    As reported last Thursday in the NYTimes, Google is setting up a for-profit philanthropy arm. Called Google.org, and begun with seed money of $1 Billion (is that all?) the group has specific aims to fight povery, disease, and global warming. Of course global warming only exacerbates poverty and disease, so by working on…

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    Energy Vampires

    We all know someone in our lives who sucks the energy out of us….well this post is not about those people but the appliances that do the same thing. Maybe you have already heard about how much power all those TVs, PCs, and ACs use on ‘standby’ mode (that’s when…

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    Kick the Oil Habit: CNN

    Larry King Live had a kick-ass show tonight on the topic “Is America Addicted to Oil.” Special guests, Robert Redford (who is heading up Kick the Oil Habit) and CEO of Chevron, David O’Reilly had the hot seats. However, the best piece of the episode was the panel that King…

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    Squashed Grapes?

    Unfortunately, due to lack of attendees, this year’s Environ Design 10 Conference in Canada cancelled their site tours. It’s still unclear on their website whether or not the winery tour of the 1st building in Canada to achieve LEED Certification from the fairly new Canada Green Building Council,the Stratus Vineyards,…