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    2People…..Can Change the Climate

    If you’re the kind of person who wants to hug trees, AND hang out with friends, or is maybe just getting started greening your life and getting political about who’s managing our planet’s resources, then check out 2People . This site isn’t a ‘green’ dating site, there are plenty of…

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    Daryl Hannah's Work is True Beauty

    Though this isn’t strictly an environmental story, it does involve one very eco-savvy movie star, Daryl Hannah, and it is about women’s rights, so I figured it deserved a space on Eco Chick. And if you haven’t checked out dhLoveLife, Hannah’s awesome blog (and videos that will make you cry)…

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    Eco-buzz: "Offsetting"

    Offsetting, (verb) – to counteract (something) by having an opposing force or effect. To balance or serve as a counterbalance for. To compensate. Lately I have been hearing a lot about “offsetting.” Being able to purchase carbon credits, plant trees, and invest in renewable energy sources allows people the opportunity…

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    Tired of Drinking Water?

    Especially in the winter, I don’t really enjoy drinking good old H2O, except after a workout. I don’t want to ingest anything too sweet, or milky either, so I drink ridiculous amounts of herbal tea (sadly, I cannot handle caffeine). Now I’ve found a few new additions to my repertoire…

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    The Avoided Topic

    Original illustration for Eco Chick by Gregory Grigoriou of I See Dots The Problem  This month, one of E/ The Environmental Magazine’s feature stories is about the the myth of the population dearth, the idea that we’re not replacing ourselves at quite the rate we have during the heights of human population growth, which occurred…

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    LES Now Renamed Lower Eco Side

    I have been foraying around the LES (lower east side) of Manhattan of late, and have I found a bevy of eco fabulousness! First up, Kaight, which I thought I found first, but Treehugger’s Celine was there just a couple days before me. And then I saw that Jill over…

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    Guestblogger: GardenRant

    I’ve been enjoying the well-written and funny-as-hell GardenRant blog of late, and Susan Harris, who runs the site jointly with two other women, is guest-posting about why she wanted to start a blog that focuses on ecologically intelligent gardening. Check it out! Why Gardening Matters  by Susan Harris of GardenRant…

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    Tree People

    Last weekend, I was on my way to go camping in the San Gabriel Mountains just north of L.A., when I saw signs on the Angeles Crest Highway that said, simply, Tree People. So, of course, I followed them. I found lots of people and, yes, lots of trees. Fifty…