Greased Lightning: Veggie Greasecar
Recently, my family has been considering going veggie at the pump. We are thinking we can help a few restaurants in our neighborhood by providing waste management for their used veggie oil! At Greasecar you can learn all about running vehicles on vegetable oil. In their classifieds you can pick…
Liveblogging from Live Earth!
—Giants Stadium, 2:45 PM EST I’m here at Live Earth in New York, which is the last show in the worldwide music celebration so we can Save Our Selves (SOS). KT Tunstall KT Tunstall is up first, after a lackluster intro by Mr. Six-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon. Are you watching? If not, you…
How Good is Good Enough?
Cartoon by John Darkow A few years back, in the middle of a cultural studies seminar that sidetracked into a tag-team Wal-Mart bash, the woman sitting next to me rolled her eyes. “This argument is so last year. Can we get over Wal-Mart already?” she said. I’m one of the…
Beyond Milk Crates: Q&A with Deana Bracken
Not too long ago, Starre asked me if I would do a Q&A with Los Angeles-based green interior designer Deana Bracken. Honestly, I felt a little skeptical at first—if only because I consider milk crates furniture. (As long as I can set my book or my beer on it, what…
Snowboarders Do It Greenly
My favorite snowboard-culture magazine, Snowboarder, is now even better; they are proudly (they tout it on the November, 2006 cover) printing on recycled paper! Not only that, but there is a decidedly environmentally-minded slant to quite a bit of their coverage in various departments; in the photo section they encourage…
Ask Chicky: Vermicomposting
Dear Chicky, I went to a dinner party last week and the host had a tiny composter in her apartment’s kitchen; she said there were bugs inside that eat the food she deposits. It sounds gross, but I feel bad tossing all my leftovers in the garbage—how do these things…