More New York Events
This isn’t so much an Eco-Event as it is a Chick-Event. Jessica of Feministing is speaking at the panel, which will be on blogging and feminism. Tuesday, November 14 7pm Altschul Atrium, Altschul Hall (Barnard is located between 116th and 120th streets on the west side of Broadway) Free &…
Ladies Love Lube!
Guestblogger Wendy Strgar, is the owner and founder of Good Clean Love (they make the above lube) a manufacturer of all-natural love and intimacy products. Married for over 23 years with four children, Wendy teaches about Making Love Sustainable, a green philosophy of relationships which recognizes the importance of valueing the renewable…
Guestblogger: GardenRant
I’ve been enjoying the well-written and funny-as-hell GardenRant blog of late, and Susan Harris, who runs the site jointly with two other women, is guest-posting about why she wanted to start a blog that focuses on ecologically intelligent gardening. Check it out! Why Gardening Matters by Susan Harris of GardenRant…
Chicks with Picks
Photo Chris Gills Chicks with Picks, which offers ice climbing clinics for women (led by women) just announced a scholarship fund in memory of Karen McNeill, a guide who disappeared near the south summit of Alaska’s Mount Foraker last May. According to Chicks, “Of special significance are [Karen’s] myriad of…
Patriarchy of Pork
While reading through my environmental ethics text book today (that will be used for a class called Philosophy and the Environment…woot!) I came across a section called “Patriarchy of Pork or Feminist Fuss” in a chapter called “Ethics and Animals”. The section is only about a page long (a bit…
Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism
When I was in grade 12 I wrote a paper that I thought was fantastic. I hate that I can say I still have it – and got to read over it again today, it’s pretty horrible. Actually, for it being the first a) philosophy paper and b) environmental paper…
What Could be More American Than the T-Shirt?
I love t-shirts, and after several seasons of super-feminine flirty blouses and dresses, they are making a comeback along with the nouveau grunge look. Of course, t-shirts and jeans are always in, but I for one am happy to retire some of my button-up tops for the easy t-shirt. And…
Stars Come Down to Earth
Not surprisingly, now that environmentalism is ‘hot’, the stars are coming out in support of various green causes. Of course some notable celebrities have long shined light on various aspects of the environmental movement (Leo, Darryl, and Woody, I’m talkin’ about you!) So I was really excited when I found…
Among the women I know there are three types when it comes to dealing with good ole ‘Aunt Flo’: there’s the pads only crowd, the tampon champions and the diva cup/sponge menstruation alterna-nation. I count myself among the first group, which is also the most wasteful of the bunch. My…
Bazura Bags
You may have seen these before- I know I have- but I didn’t know the story behind them. Bazura Bags is a company that makes all sorts of bags (they have so many styles its ridiculous) as well as wallets, sandals,storage boxes, coolers, belts, backpacks and even shoes! The accessories are…