Preventing Rape in the Congo Fights Deforestation—Here’s How
Tackling sexual violence against women in the Congo is a direct way to fight deforestation. And stop rape. But our smartphone addiction is exacerbating conflict.
Why Congo Soldiers Use Rape As a War Tactic (and What Your Smartphone Has to Do With It)
When the Second Congo War erupted in 1998, Chouchou noticed a new phenomenon. Women were being raped in public by rebel groups. But nobody wanted to talk about it.
Ecofeminism Explained (by Activists, Ecofeminists, and Me)
7 ideas from the iconic, influential "Ecofeminism as Politics" along with quotes from the equally insightful work by Vandana Shiva and Maria Mies in their jointly published 2014 book, "EcoFeminism."
How Women’s Rights and Environmental Destruction Go Hand-in-Hand
We’ve got it all wrong — Our efforts to conquer nature have brought us to the brink of ecological collapse. And that’s inextricably tied to the long-abusive relationship between men and women. Women’s bodies are battlefields in wars fought over fertile soil, land, oil, minerals, and bragging rights. Just as…
Welcome to My New Column on Ecofeminism
You’re probably here because you care about women, the environment, or both. You’ve come to the right place, because these two subjects are intimately tied to each other. Hey everyone, welcome to my new ecofeminism column with Eco-Chick. Once a week, I’ll be tackling a variety of topics here, all…
Robin Wright’s Pour Les Femmes Pajamas Benefit Women in Distress
How much better would you sleep if you knew your pajamas were supporting a woman in need?
It Began with Thistles: The Way of Tea and Justice
Tea is like love: It all comes from the same source but can be expressed a thousand ways.
Watch One Billion Rising's Powerful Short Film: Will You Rise?
One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime. The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network estimates that someone is assaulted every two minutes in the U.S., although that’s probably an underestimation, since more than 50 percent of sexual assaults still go unreported. One Billion Rising, Eve Ensler’s revolution…
Violence Against Women Act: The Other Cliff That Every Woman Should be Scared About
What is this, 1913? Even though yesterday was a day of records and firsts for women as the 113th Congress opened, the 112th Congress’s failure to renew the Violence Against Women Act loomed over the day. The Violence Against Women Act would have extended domestic violence protections to 30 million lesbian,…
My Country, My Choice Video
We came across this video and wanted to share it with our readers (who are predominately female!). We love the powerful question it poses: “If you don’t trust me with my body, why should I trust you with my country?” There’s less than a month left to support the Obama…