Treeflight’s nursery of trees-to-be
If you’re taking a flight soon, you’re no doubt feeling the guilt about how much carbon you’ll be spewing into the atmosphere. Ru Hartwell can allay your guilt for just a few bucks; he’ll plant a tree on his land in Wales, England for every flight you take through his program called Treeflights. A knowlegable tree planter, he has already covered quite a few acres with organic deciduous trees, and he has 15,000 more saplings ready to go.
Ru Hartwell
Ru says:
“It’s like the whole world has forgotten that there are things in the world called trees, these devices to sequester the carbon from the atmosphere, when we have more carbon in the atmosphere now than in the past 650,000 years.
“Planting trees is a fundamentally positive, ecologically friendly thing to do – in marked contrast to taking an aeroplane flight which produces a lot of CO2 (carbon dioxide) which we all know is the main culprit for global warming.”
Ru acknowleges that it will take time for the trees to grow and eventually reclaim the CO2 produced by an airplane trip this year, but ” as last year we lost seven million hectares (17m acres) of forest globally, there’s nothing bad about planting a tree.”
Thanks to Tom (who has already bought two cherry trees to offset a trip to Spain) for the tip.