Ecofriendly High Chairs
Pondering the essence of an avocado. When I first started to research high chairs, I was looking for wood. I checked out vinyl chairs by the big brands, just to see some of the desirable features people seek. Some of the chairs looked like they were made by LaZboy, with…
Greased Lightning: Veggie Greasecar
Recently, my family has been considering going veggie at the pump. We are thinking we can help a few restaurants in our neighborhood by providing waste management for their used veggie oil! At Greasecar you can learn all about running vehicles on vegetable oil. In their classifieds you can pick…
Cell Towers and Health Effects: Cellular Disservice?
This past week a local in my town contacted me to see if I would be interested in discussing the issues surrounding a potential cellular tower that would be constructed within one mile of my house. Some of us from the town had the chance to voice our concerns to…
Organic Style: Baby Sale for Eco Chick Readers!
Organic Style has some cute baby items, especially their gift baskets. The veggie teething rings are really well made and full of yummy organic cotton to chomp on. My kids have been playing with them for 17 months now and I will still look over and see someone with the…
Mothers Milk Project: The Anti Nuclear Weapon
For those living within fifty miles of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, there is a new way to document the potential impact of nuclear energy and radioactive waste. Breast milk: who knew it could be an (anti-)nuclear weapon? The Mothers Milk Project is an endeavor founded by longtime activists…
Going Local, Expanding the Cheap-Energy Mind
Every year, around this time, I get excited to head over to our local farm to start participating in our CSA (community supported agriculture.) This year I am going to try my hand at a bit of horticulture at home, but we are still keeping our CSA membership as well.…
The Down-To-Earth Guide to Global Warming Wins 2007 Green Earth Book Award
Laurie David and Cambria Gordon recently received the 2007 Green Earth Book Award in nonfiction for their children’s book The Down-To-Earth Guide to Global Warming. The award was given by the Newton Marasco Foundation, an organization that works to promote sustainability within the public and private sector. This book is…
Best Ecofriendly Coffins
I had read about people being cremated and adding their remains to coral reefs, but the other day, while perusing the Happy Hippie site, I noticed this tidbit on an eco-friendly company that sells many sustainable options if one is going to have a burial. I realized that there are…
The Big "Green" Sleep
A green woodland burial site in the UK where the ‘headstones’ are saplings Today, there are many environmentally responsible decisions that one can make regarding the ‘eternal rest.’ Mortality is not the most popular topic at the water cooler, but talking green lightens things up. Why not choose a departure…
Wind Farms: Beauty or the Beast
I took this photo of the wind turbines in Palm Springs, CA I’ve heard the two windiest spots on our planet are the Coachella Valley of California and South Africa. The wind in California has prompted the installation of thousands of windmills in the Coachella Valley, which generate electricity for…